
From MK8
Revision as of 14:15, 24 May 2022 by Ray Koopa (talk | contribs) (Actual version history.)
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Author: Ray Koopa
Operating systems: Windows
Programming language: Python 3
File formats: BYAML
Version: v0.5.6
Date of latest version: 2017-02-11
Download: GitLab

io_scene_mk8muunt is a Blender add-on that imports and exports BYAML files from Mario Kart 8. It mainly adds panels to edit course information and visualizes OBJ instances on the track as they appear in-game, loading the corresponding models with io_scene_bfres and transforming them as specified in the BYAML file. The add-on also tries to visualize advanced properties of the track, like paths.

Development of the add-on has ceased, thus it is not compatible with Blender 2.80 or newer versions, and not everything can be exported.


  • Import and export main course information.
  • Import and export areas.
  • Import clip areas.
  • Import effect areas.
  • Import lap routes (unfinished).
  • Import and export OBJs.
  • Import routes (unfinished).
  • Import SoundObjs.

Version History

Version Date of release Information
v0.5.6 2017-02-11 Clarifies missing directory setup in add-on settings. Last release.
v0.5.5 2016-11-09 Adjusts some parameter tooltip info.
v0.5.4 2016-10-26 Fixes missing indirect export of CmnToad if CmnGroupToad is exported.
v0.5.3 2016-08-18 Removes some debug code remainders.
v0.5.2 2016-08-04 Adds (unfinished) support to visualize paths.
v0.5.1 2016-08-01 Sort objects as in BYAML, adds object search functionality.
v0.5.0 2016-07-31 Add support for SoundObj.
v0.4.1 2016-07-30 Add operators for quickly adding new Area and EffectArea objects.
v0.4.0 2016-07-30 Reduces performance hit due to Blender update loop optimizations, adds export of Area and EffectArea.
v0.3.3 2016-07-17 Fixes to transformation of newly added Objs.
v0.3.2 2016-07-17 Displays (known) names for Obj parameters.
v0.3.1 2016-07-16 Visualize LapPath/Point, fixes N64RTrain issues.
v0.3.0 2016-07-16 Adds visualization of Objs by loading their actual models.
v0.2.5 2016-07-13 Use real Blender references to adjust track object references.
v0.2.3 2016-07-13 Preserves order of nodes in export to fix reference indices.
v0.2.2 2016-07-12 Various fixes to path properties.
v0.2.1 2016-07-12 Various fixes to export functionality.
v0.2.0 2016-07-11 Adds export functionality.
v0.1.3 2016-07-10 Use byaml Python library.
v0.1.2 2016-07-09 Adds visualization of ClipArea and EffectArea.
v0.1.1 2016-07-07 Fixes some stale object display.
v0.1.0 2016-07-02 Initial release.