KCL flag

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This page contains information about Mario Kart 8 KCL flags.

KCL uses collision flags to determine what sounds, effects and what behavior to use.

The format is split into 5 different flag types. Attribute, material, special flags and 2 other unknown types. Currently the other 2 types have an unknown behavior.

To calculate the flags:

Attribute ID + Material ID * 0x20. For special flags, it is the first #000 number of the value in hex (first 4 bits).


Hex Type
0000 Road 1
0001 Road 2
0002 Road 3
0003 Road 4
0004 Sand
0005 Weak Off-road
0006 Off-road 1
0007 Off-road 2
0008 Heavy Off-road
0009 Slippery
000A Dash
000B Gravity Panel
000C Glider Panel
000D Pull
000E Moving Terrain
000F Item Road
0010 Lakitu Rescue
0011 Wall 1
0012 Wall 2
0013 Wall 3
0014 LWALL
0015 Item Wall
0016 BWALL
0017 Invisible Wall
0018 Dummy 1
0019 Cannon (unused)
001A Effect Trigger
001B Sound Trigger
001C Fall Out
001D Dummy 2
001E Dummy 3
001F Zone (Includes glider activator)


Next is the materials that determine what sound/effect is played.

Road 1 (0x00)

Hex Type
0000 Asphalt
0001 Concrete
0002 Stone
0003 Wood
0004 Metal Plate
0005 Metal Mesh/Grate
0006 Carpet
0007 Unknown

Road 2 (0x01)

Hex Type
0000 Grass (small effects)
0001 Dirt (small effects)
0002 Glass
0003 Grass
0004 Piano
0005 Metallophone
0006 Bone
0007 Unknown

Road 3 (0x02)

Hex Type
0000 Bumpy
0001 Cloth
0002 Carpet
0003 Candy
0004 Sponge
0005 Carpet
0006 Cloud
0007 Unknown

Road 4 (0x03)

Hex Type
0000 Tec Road
0001 Unknown
0002 Unknown
0003 Wood Board
0004 Ocean Floor
0005 Unknown
0006 Rainbow Road
0007 Rainbow Road (Glass Sound)

Sand (0x04)

Hex Type
0000 Sand (small effects)
0001 Dirt (small effects)
0002 Snow (small effects)
0003 Muddy (small effects)
0004 Carpet
0005 Unknown
0006 Unknown
0007 Unknown

Weak Off-road (0x05)

Hex Type
0000 Sand
0001 Dirt
0002 Carpet
0003 Wood
0004 Grass (small effects)
0005 Water
0006 Rock
0007 Unknown

Off-road 1 (0x06)

Hex Type
0000 Sand
0001 Dirt
0002 Snow
0003 H Board
0004 Grass
0005 Water
0006 Rock
0007 Muddy

Off-road 2 (0x07)

Hex Type
0000 Chocolate
0001 Cream
0002 Cream
0003 Swarovski
0004 Stone
0005 Rubber
0006 Unknown
0007 Unknown

Heavy Off-road (0x08)

Hex Type
0000 Sand
0001 Dirt
0002 Snow
0003 None
0004 Grass
0005 None
0006 None
0007 None

Slippery (0x09)

Hex Type
0000 Ice
0001 Glass
0002 Water
0003 Wet Asphalt
0004 None
0005 None
0006 None
0007 None

Dash (0x0A)

Hex Type
0000 Normal
0001 Wet

Gravity Panel (0x0B)

Hex Type
0000 Normal

Glider Panel (0x0C)

Hex Type
0000 Normal

Pull (0x0D)

Hex Type
0000 Water
0001 River

Moving terrain (0x0E)

Hex Type
0000 Stairs
0001 Stairs 2

Invisible road (0x0F)

Hex Type
0000 Normal

Lakitu Rescue (0x10)

Hex Type
0000 Normal

Wall 1 (0x11)

Hex Type
0000 Concrete
0001 Cliff
0002 Metal
0003 Wood
0004 Ice
0005 Snow
0006 Ivy
0007 Rainbow

Wall 2 (0x12)

Hex Type
0000 Chocolate
0001 Musical
0002 Techno Fence
0003 Glass
0004 Candy
0005 Sponge
0006 Paper
0007 Cookie

Wall 3 (0x13)

Hex Type
0000 Leaf
0001 Car

LWALL (0x14)

Hex Type
0000 Concrete
0001 Metal
0002 Bone
0003 None
0004 Cloth
0005 Cloth 2
0006 Rainbow Wall
0007 None

Item Wall (0x15)

Hex Type
0000 Normal

BWALL (0x16)

Hex Type
0000 Cream
0001 Bush
0002 Plastic
0003 Leaf
0004 Ocean
0005 Tire
0006 Cloth
0007 Cloud

Invisible Wall (0x17)

Hex Type
0000 Normal

Dummy1 (0x18)

Hex Type
0000 Unsolid

Cannon (Unused) (0x19)

Hex Type
0000 Normal

Effect Trigger (0x1A)

Hex Type
0000 Unknown

Sound Trigger (0x1B)

Hex Type
0000 Unknown

Fall Out (0x1C)

Hex Type
0000 Void
0001 Water
0002 Lava
0003 Lava 2
0004 Water (Desert)
0005 None
0006 None
0007 None

Dummy2 (0x1D)

Hex Type
0000 Unsolid

Dummy3 (0x1E)

Hex Type
0000 Unsolid


Hex Type
0000 Activates Glider
0001 Mud Particles
0002 Orange Flowers
0003 White Flowers (slow movement)
0004 White Flowers
0005 Green Flowers
0006 None
0007 None


Hex Type
0001 Trickable
0002 Trickable (extra tricks)
0004 High Gravity
0008 High Gravity + bouncy? Used commonly for stairs.