FTXP (File Format)

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FTXP files (caFe TeXture Pattern) are texture pattern animation files found into BFRES files. It contains animation data about which texture that should be rendered at what time. Unless otherwise noted, all offsets in the file are relative to themselves.


The file starts with a 0x38 bytes long header.

Offset Type Description
0x00 String File magic. Always FTXP in ASCII.
0x04 Int32 Name offset. The name of this file.
0x08 Int32 String table end.
0x0C UInt16 Flags.
0x0E UInt16 Number of user data.
0x10 UInt32 Number of frames.
0x14 UInt16 Number of textures.
0x16 UInt16 Number of material targets.
0x18 UInt32 Unknown.
0x1C UInt32 Unknown.
0x20 UInt32 Unknown.
0x24 UInt32 Unknown.
0x28 UInt32 Unknown.
0x2C Int32 Material array offset.
0x30 Int32 Texture index group offset. The groups points to FTEX filenames and FTEX headers.
0x34 Int32 User data index group offset.


Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 N = Number of samplers.
0x02 UInt16 Unknown.
0x04 UInt32 Unknown.
0x08 UInt32 Unknown.
0x0C UInt32 Name offset. Points to the name of this material into the string table.
0x10 Sampler reference[N] Sampler references. The offsets are relative to 0x10 in this structure.

Sampler reference

Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt32 Sampler offset. Relative to the end of the material structure.
0x04 UInt32 Unknown. Probably an offset to something else.


Offset Type Description
0x00 UInt16 Unknown.
0x02 UInt16 Unknown.
0x04 Int32 Sampler name offset into the string table.

User Data

The user data is stored into different entries, one for each type. The index group points to these entries.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Int32 Name offset. Points to the string which is the name of this user data.
0x04 UInt16 N = number of entries.
0x06 Byte Type.
Value Type Description
0x00 Int32 The data consists of 4-bytes integers.
0x01 Float The data consists of 4-bytes floating point numbers.
0x02 String The data consists of ASCII-encoded strings.
0x03 Strings The data consists of UTF16-encoded strings.
0x07 Byte Unknown. Always 0.


For user data with numbers the data comes directly after the user data header.


Offset Type Description
0x00 Int32[N] N offsets to the strings. The strings are null-termined and comes directly after this array. They're not stored in the string table.